Joseph Yang For Chandler OFFICIAL Logo - Be Vocal, Vote Local

About Me

Joseph Yang Portrait Photo - Profile Picture - Beige Suit

Hi, I’m Joseph,

My name is Joseph Yang, I’m a community servant leader, small business owner, entrepreneur, and Pickleball enthusiast. I began my community involvement by volunteering at the Chandler Public Library, where I served for 5 years and later became the President of the Volunteer Advisory Council. During this time, I received a Presidential Volunteer Service Award from The President of the US for my contributions to Arizona.


Subsequently, I expanded my engagement with the City of Chandler, participating in planning committees such as the first-ever Asian Village planning committee and the Asian American Community Conference planning committee. My journey led me to join the Chandler Police Department as a volunteer for the operation support bureau, where I developed a deep passion and respect for law enforcement. After five years, I transitioned to the Citizens Police Academy Alumni Committee of Chandler (CPAAC), currently serving on the executive board. In the same year, I was appointed by the Mayor to the Citizens’ Panel of Review for police complaints and use of force, where I proudly serve the residents of Chandler currently.


Professionally, I am the COO of the Chandler-Gilbert Asian Festival, a current business and education committee member for the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, and the CEO of 153AZ a model car company where I make model police cars for various different agencies and officers. Additionally, I currently work as a civilian police aide for a local police department after leaving the city of Chandler’s parks and rec division where I helped all across the city in various locations including the Tumbleweed Rec Center, Community Center and Snedigar Sportsplex as well as the city’s special events division.


In my time serving this great city in numerous aspects I have grown a deep passion and love for the city and its people. I am running for Chandler city council to continue support for public safety to keep you and your families safe, Developing Chandler’s Workforce to ensure the longevity of our city, Working hard to ensure all Chandler residents can attain their American dream and leading the charge for Chandler’s future to promote retention of our next generation to come back this city and build their family. I hope to earn your support and vote so we can continue to grow Chandler together.

Joseph Yang for Chandler Campaign Kickoff - Fundraiser Graphic at Look Cinemas - Be Local, Vote Local